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  • August 22 2023

Ahead of Wednesday’s general elections, Zimbabweans are experiencing internet disruption

Zimbabweans are experiencing throttled internet ahead of the country’s national elections on Wednesday. According to data from the internet connectivity monitoring platform Netblocks, internet service has been throttled in Zimbabwe on the eve of the country’s general elections. The degradation has affected customers of leading internet service providers including NetOne, Econet, TelOne and Liquid. According to data by Netblocks, there are significant disruptions to internet services across Zimbabwe’s internet service providers. (Image source: Netblocks) “We are facing a system challenge and we are working towards restoring normalcy. Any inconvenience caused is sincerely regretted,” Econet told its customers. Zimbabwe holds its general election tomorrow where current president Emerson Mnangagwa of the ZANU-PF is seeking a second term. Mnangagwa ascended to power in 2017 following the removal by coup of former president, Robert Mugabe. Netblocks data show that on Netone, for example, users have been experiencing downtimes on platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and Facebook. Additionally, the reachability of some platforms on Econet and Econet is as low as 30%. The data is further corroborated by users of some providers, who have been complaining of degraded service on social media including not being able to access Whatsapp. According to Felicia Anthonio, campaign manager of #KeepItOn, an initiative by the non-profit organisation Access Now, the Zimbabwean government has a recorded history of shutting off events during important national events.  “We are urging the government not to repeat its past habits and allow the people of Zimbabwe unfettered access to the internet to allow them to actively participate and ensure the process is transparent and fair,” she told NewzRoom Africa. In February last year, Netblocks also reported significant internet throttling during a national demonstration by the Citizens Coalition For Change (CCC), one of the leading opposition parties in the country. The incident impacted multiple operators and limited users’ ability to live stream the events of the day.  In March, a new series of disruptions were registered amid further opposition demonstrations. Netblocks metrics confirmed that the disruptions occurred at the backbone which served each operator, and not at the cell towers due to congestion as claimed by government sources. Other times when the Zimbabwean government has throttled internet include in 2020 ahead of planned protests and in 2019 during national demonstrations about increasing fuel prices.

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  • August 22 2023

Did the naira scarcity improve adoption of digital payments in Nigeria?

Unresolved challenges threaten to limit Nigerian digital payments growth. Nigerian payments companies fantasize about the death of cash. It’s on everybody’s pitch. We got the first glimpse of this post-cash Nigerian universe in the first and second quarters of 2020 when Covid-19 shut down much of the world’s physical economy triggering an electronic payments boom in many countries, including Nigeria. While much of society has since adjusted and even returned to normalcy post-pandemic, digital payments have remained. And in countries such as Nigeria, physical cash and digital payments exist side-by-side. Then in November 2022, the West African country got another glimpse into a world without physical cash. When the Central Bank of Nigeria announced the double whammy of a rushed currency redesign and tighter regulations on mobile money agents, some folks anticipated that the restrictions would push more consumers into the digital payments bubble. But when the regulator struggled to mint and circulate a decent amount of the redesigned currency before a needless January 31 deadline, it threw the country into a frenzy not seen since the days of the EndSARS protests. Just weeks before the presidential election, the scarcity and the hoarding of cash saw people break into ATMs, go naked in bank halls and cry their hearts out as the nation descended into chaos. Naturally, electronic payments should have witnessed an impressive uptick, many assumed. But data from Q1 show a different trend. In an economy where a majority of consumer transactions are settled in cash, when an obnoxious cash scarcity hit, instead of a digital payments boom, we witnessed a significant pullback. Within the first two months of the cash scarcity, digital payments in Nigeria plummeted dipping by 7.5% in January, and further declined by 5.12% the next month, according to transaction value data from the Nigerian Inter-Bank Settlement Scheme (NIBSS). However, the payments value recovered quickly the next month (March) — reaching a record high of ₦48.3 trillion with a transaction volume of 1.18 billion (another record peak) — before plummeting consecutively in April and June. Interestingly though, while the amount of money Nigerians sent overall declined at the height of the cash scarcity, more people flocked to digital payments during the same period. After recording an initial 3.4% dip in January, payments volume witnessed an uptick till March when the intensity of the cash crunch reduced. Now, interpreting the data, which is available on the NIBSS Industry Database online, is a little challenging partly because NIBSS hasn’t issued any public statement explaining these payment trends. On the one hand, historical data suggests the payment declines in early 2023 are not really unusual. Instead, they are fairly consistent with previous years. With its memorable holidays and the influx of fun international travelers, December is the peak month for payments in Nigeria, and each year since 2018, transaction activity tends to surge compared to the trailing eleven months. Equally consistent, transaction values tend to decline in both January and February as Nigerian households adjust to the new year after the holidays. The year 2020 would have been the odd year, but the lockdowns didn’t start until late March 2020. So technically, nothing unusual happened this year. Yet we know for a fact that Q1 2023 was different, especially with all the progress recorded since 2020. If a large chunk of payments happens in cash, why didn’t the scarcity of the physical naira trigger a bump in digital spending? Why did electronic transactions decline for two straight months despite the ubiquity of payment services? Also worth sharing that out of the five months recorded by NIBSS so far, digital payments reported declines in three. Again, interpreting the data is not straightforward, but we have a few good guesses. Macroeconomic realities The first answer is economics. After a festive December, Nigerians tend to cut back overall spending in January and February. But the cash scarcity had an outsized impact this time, according to the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS). The economy plummeted at least 3.11% compared to the previous year and the previous quarter. Yemi Kale, the former head of NBS, predicted the slump, explaining that around 54% of the Nigerian economy is cash-based. In particular, the informal economy, where the average Nigerian works and shops, represents half of GDP, and 90% of transactions are settled in cash. But economics alone doesn’t answer the question. Agency banking restrictions and higher mobile agent transfer fees Ahead of the deadline to switch to the redesigned Naira, the CBN placed restrictions on mobile money agents, effectively blocking agents from carrying out completing larger volumes of payments. But as the cash scarcity hit harder and banks became unreliable for withdrawals, agents took advantage of the situation. They handled more payments, NIBSS data showed, but they also raised prices to incredible proportions in different parts of the country. This trend discouraged people from transacting larger sums. Mobile agency firms are still grappling with how to control the army of 1 million agents loosely under their control. Digital platform instability Platform stability was a major focus ahead of the cash scarcity and mobile money restrictions. Everybody anticipated this. The signs were on the wall. In the run-up to the cash crunch, Nigerians reported several network outages by major banks that caused embarrassing transaction failure rates. It only got worse when cash disappeared from the ATMs. Too many bank apps continued to underperform with weak infrastructure and clunky apps that were unusable for long hours of the day. During the height of the crisis, bank customers complained they were unable to log into some of their fintech apps, while others reported high transaction failure rates. And as the frustration grew, it exploded with customers breaking down emotionally at banking halls while other folks forced their way into banks, damaging ATMs and other infrastructure. Startup funding decline Nigerian startups typically don’t let an opportunity or useful crisis go to waste. During the pandemic, payments companies threw their weight behind e-commerce or online storefronts. When traditional banks

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  • August 22 2023

How attending Viva Technology and CES inspired the launch of Congo Business Summit

Noel K. Tshiani is the managing director of Congo Business Summit, a flagship conference and expo planned for October 12-13, 2023, in Kinshasa. The summit is organised by Congo Business Network, an organisation that works with startups, corporations, and governments in the Democratic Republic of Congo and abroad. Driven by an unwavering commitment to innovation, he champions and propels the nation’s startup and tech ecosystems, passionately aware of their potential to revolutionise the country’s economic landscape. In the ever-changing realm of technology and innovation, I have been privileged to witness the colossal gatherings at Viva Technology (VivaTech) and the Consumer Electronics Show (CES). These experiences were not only informative, but transformative. They provided a bird’s eye view of the seismic shifts in the global technology ecosystem. From my four visits to VivaTech, beginning in May 2019, and my two trips to CES in January 2022 and earlier this year, I harvested rich insights and observations that planted the seeds for the upcoming Congo Business Summit. A global technology playground Both VivaTech and CES are like global carnivals for tech enthusiasts. Thousands of startups, established companies, investors, and journalists gather to showcase their latest innovations. Every nation with a technology story to tell makes sure it has a presence. The diversity of people attending these events is a testament to the universality of the role technology plays in our lives, whether in China, South Korea, France, Canada, or the United States. Each of these countries is eager to make its mark as a major technology titan, determined to shine a spotlight on startups and connect them with potential investors, business partners and journalists. Real solutions for real challenges One aspect that was particularly evident at CES was the focus on innovations that address real-world problems. Rather than chasing hypothetical scenarios, the technology on display offers solutions to real challenges that people face every day. This is innovation with a heart and a purpose. Networking as the heartbeat of progress Beyond the exhibitions and demonstrations, the myriad of networking and relationship-building side events stood out. The tech world thrives on collaboration, partnerships, and collective brainstorming, and these events are the perfect avenues to foster those connections. Startups are the pioneers of Africa’s innovation engine Drawing inspiration from these mammoth tech conclaves, I envisioned the creation of Congo Business Summit. But why the emphasis on startups, you might ask? Startups, in their essence, embody agility, resilience, and a fresh perspective. These startups are the unsung heroes, operating on shoestring budgets yet fortified with groundbreaking visions, unwavering determination, and a fervent passion that is hard to match. In contexts like Africa, where challenges are many but so are opportunities, startups can be the game-changers that will drive the next wave of innovation. In sectors such as fintech, we have seen how startups in Nigeria, Kenya, and South Africa have democratised financial access, granting many their first banking experiences. Edtech startups have broken educational barriers, ensuring that learning is not limited by geography. Agritech ventures promise food security and sustainable farming solutions, while medtech initiatives bring healthcare closer and make it more accessible. Moreover, insurtech and regtech startups simplify complex processes, ensuring that people do not just have access to services, but understand them too. These startups are not just businesses; they are the pulse of innovation, often seeing potential where traditional corporations see challenges. Innovation’s renaissance is upon us In essence, Congo Business Summit is more than an event. It is a clarion call for Africa to recognise, support and amplify the startups that are working tirelessly to create a prosperous future. As we have seen in places like Europe and North America, technology and startups are not just about apps and gadgets; they are about improving lives, driving development, and setting the stage for a prosperous future for millions of men and women, whether in Paris, London, Montreal, New York, or San Francisco. African nations, teeming with young, vibrant populations, have a unique opportunity. By nurturing startups and fostering innovation, we are not only building businesses, we are building a brighter future for an entire continent. The question is, are we ready to seize this opportunity to drive innovation in the heart of Africa at Congo Business Summit this October, when startups, investors, and government officials will meet at Pullman Kinshasa to discuss business?

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  • August 22 2023

Moniepoint Inc gets the nod to acquire Kenyan credit startup Kopo Kopo

Moniepoint may extend its presence beyond Nigeria after getting approval to acquire Kenya’s payments and credit startup, Kopo Kopo. The transaction value has not been disclosed. A few months ago, rumours circulated about Nigeria’s fintech company Moniepoint Inc considering the acquisition of an East African payments firm. At the time, it was unclear which fintech was the subject of the proposed acquisition. However, today, the Competition Authority of Kenya (CAK) has provided clarity by announcing that Moniepoint Inc can now acquire Kopo Kopo fully. The CAK oversees competition-related matters for transactions exceeding KES 1 billion ($7 million by the current exchange rate), which means that the acquisition was the same or exceeded this amount. In a statement to TechCabal, Tosin Eniolorunda, group CEO, Moniepoint Inc said, “We have been vocal about our interest in Kenya as part of our mission to provide financial happiness for people across Africa. This regulatory approval is a milestone in that process and one that we are delighted about.” CAK said in a statement, “The Competition Authority of Kenya has approved the proposed acquisition of 100% shares in Kopo Kopo Inc. by Moniepoint Inc. unconditionally. This approval has been granted based on the two key considerations during the merger analysis that; first, the transaction is unlikely to negatively impact competition in the market for digital credit; and second, the transaction will not elicit negative public interest concerns.” Moniepoint Inc, founded by two ex-Interswitch employees, is registered in the U.S. and primarily based in Nigeria. It also has a presence in the U.K. It has no base in Kenya and did not report turnovers or assets in this region prior to the transaction. Kopo Kopo is registered in the U.S. but operates in Kenya, offering digital financial services to local businesses, primarily short-term business loans. The proposed transaction will see Moniepoint Inc acquire all shares of Kopo Kopo, constituting a merger under Kenya’s Competition Act 2010. This law covers mergers where one business gains control over another in Kenya, achieved through share transactions or integration. Transactions that surpass a combined turnover or assets of KES 1 billion ($7 million) require CAK’s approval. This means that Moniepoint’s versus Kopo Kopo transaction surpassed that amount. Although the exact value of the acquisition has not been revealed, Kopo Kopo, which last raised $2.1 million in Series B funding in 2015, was valued in the low 10s of millions at the time of the transaction. The company has been profitable since then, according to people with knowledge of the matter. “Merging parties whose combined turnover or assets, whichever is higher, is over Ksh. 1 billion are required to seek approval from the Authority before implementing the proposed transaction. The transaction between Kopo Kopo Inc. and Moniepoint Inc met this threshold for mandatory notification to the Authority and full analysis as provided in the Competition (General) Rules, 2019,” CAK clarified. Moniepoint Inc offers payment channels for businesses, credit, business management tools and banking solutions such as savings and investments. Kopo Kopo provides the same tools to businesses in Kenya but does not have a banking product. At its peak, thousands of small and medium-sized businesses in Kenya had adopted Kopo Kopo’s payments platform. A partnership with Safaricom successfully encouraged businesses to embrace digital payments, including Lipa na M-PESA services. However, based on CAK’s assessment, Kopo Kopo has a competitive edge in providing credit to its clients. The digital lending market is dominated by products linked to M-PESA, with M-Shwari (offering credit and savings), Fuliza (providing overdrafts), and KCB M-PESA (offering loans and savings) leading the space with shares of 34%, 25%, and 15%, respectively. Tala and Branch have secured the fourth and fifth positions with shares of 13% and 9%, respectively. Kopo Kopo’s loan product is part of the 32 other digital lenders registered by the Central Bank of Kenya (CBK), constituting 4% of the online lending market share. Moniepoint Inc will likely let Kopo Kopo run its credit product alongside other services, although that could change. The company told this publication that there are plans to introduce Moniepoint products into the Kenyan market. “At the end of the process, we expect to extend some of our services into the market, in line with its needs. We will be working with the Kopo Kopo team, and building on the brilliant work they’ve done over the years,” “The market structure therefore, will not change post-merger since the acquirer is not involved in the same business activity in Kenya, as the target,” CAK concluded. 

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  • August 22 2023

InDrive continues southern Africa expansion with Lesotho launch

inDrive has launched in Lesotho, continuing its expansion in southern Africa where Uber and Bolt are unavailable in most markets. California-headquartered ride-hailing platform InDrive is continuing its expansion into southern Africa, announcing the launch of its services in Lesotho. According to the company’s business development representative, Vincent Lilani, “There’s a clear need for a new approach to ride-hailing. inDrive’s unique fare negotiation model empowers drivers and passengers to agree on a price without algorithmic restrictions. We believe that this method offers a sound solution to many current challenges in the Southern African ride-hailing market.” inDrive lets drivers and passengers determine their fares rather than using prices determined by algorithms. Passengers can suggest a fare, while drivers may accept, decline, or make a counteroffer without any penalties. The decision on whether to proceed with a ride can be made by considering the fare amount, car type, estimated arrival time, and driver ratings. Drivers can select profitable and convenient requests. As part of its rollout in the mountain kingdom, InDrive will suspend commissions in the first six months of operations, allowing drivers to retain all of their earnings.  A well-timed southern Africa expansion? inDrive’s expansion into southern Africa is well-timed as the platform positions itself to be a viable alternative to Uber and Bolt in the region. In Lesotho and Botswana, Uber and Bolt are unavailable and inDrive has become the defacto ride-hailing service. In South Africa, which has Uber and Bolt, inDrive is taking advantage of the country’s high internet costs to garner market share. In January, the company announced that customers could use InDrive without incurring mobile data costs. Ride-hailing market shares in South Africa, per 2022 figures. (Image source: Statista) Additionally, in South Africa, inDrive is capitalising on the endless struggles of Uber and Bolt. driver strikes over commission fees, concerns over customer safety, and fights with minibus taxi drivers are issues Bolt and Uber have had to deal with this year. With the southern Africa ride-hailing market opening up, it will be interesting to see how inDrive builds a strong business case past the attractive launch offers. The struggles of Uber and Bolt, who were once widely celebrated and successful when they initially entered South Africa,  are a testament to the complexities of ride-hailing in the region and whether inDrive will weather that storm when it inevitably comes remains to be seen.

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  • August 22 2023

Knife Capital will write $3-$7 million checks for SA growth-stage startups with $50m expansion fund

Knife Capital co-founder Keet van Zyl speaks on the firm’s Knife Fund III fund for growth-stage South African startups. Knife Capital recently closed its $50 million expansion fund, ‘Knife Fund III.’ The VC firm will use Knife Fund III for the “expansion of African innovation-driven companies.” It will also power follow-on funding for some of Knife Capital’s portfolio companies.  TechCabal spoke to Keet van Zyl, co-founder of the Cape Town-based venture capital firm, to understand how the firm plans to deploy its new fund. get  TechCabal: What sectors and companies will Knife Fund III focus on? Keet van Zyl: The fund will consider investments in B2B companies that are globalising South African technologies and opportunistic investments in the rest of Africa. The specific focus will be on growth and expansion stage companies at Series A extension and Series B funding stages. In terms of sectors, we will be looking at fintech, platform businesses, software, and tech-enabled business services. The typical investment size of the fund will be $3m to $7m as lead investor and through co-investment with other credible funders across the continent. The investments will take the form of a subscription for shares in the investee, resulting in a significant minority position. Reasonable control will be exercised through a board seat, robust minority protections and a milestone-based investment approach. TC: How long did it take to close the fund and what challenges did you face in raising the fund? KvZ: It took a really long time. About two and a half years in the end. COVID caused delays and we did pause the fundraising efforts deliberately for a while. It is actually quite complex to combine international and local funders into the same fund that has a focus on South Africa for many reasons unique to this market.  While many funders seek exposure to South African entrepreneurial endeavours, there are macroeconomic factors to consider when investing here. It is one thing to pass due diligence but another to get several funders into the same vehicle. So we spent some time enabling that with local and offshore optionality. TC: How did you overcome those challenges? KvZ: We had an initial fund close with early fund commitments, a second and final close on June 30, 2023. This allowed us to start due diligence processes and start investing before the final close. We have a group of amazingly supportive funders and they walked the journey with us. We also had great advisors through the process and it does help that some of our Knife Partners are based in the UK to enable the offshore structures with real substance. TC: For startups looking to raise from Knife Fund III, what are some of the factors you will be considering before writing checks? KvZ: We look for mainly 3 broad themes: 1) An awesome product/service; 2) A large addressable market for that product/service; and 3) An entrepreneurial team with the ability to execute the growth of an awesome product/service into the large market. This naturally has many elements, but important to note that a good product/service does not necessarily equal a good company, and a good company does not automatically translate to a good VC investment.  Knife Capital looks at many elements before writing checks, but the companies who get there show early traction, have a path to positive unit economics, are capital efficient, can demonstrate a high growth rate towards sustainability and would be acquirable by a potential exit partner universe at a financial return that makes it all worthwhile. TC: There has been some concern about SA startups exiting too early, with some experts citing a lack of capital for follow-on rounds as a reason. What role will Knife Fund III play in solving this problem?  KvZ: Support to SA startups at the early growth stages is key to advancing innovation, job creation, and economic growth in the country. Despite their immense potential, promising South African startups that have managed to grow beyond the Series A funding stage often struggle to find the capital they need to scale further and take their innovations into the rest of Africa or to a global level. Sometimes when startups try to raise growth capital, they turn to strategic investors who seize the opportunity and make a full acquisition offer. Knife Fund III will assist in closing this funding gap – but much more needs to be done to back our best businesses as they scale continuously. There is still however a massive seed funding gap in SA. TC: Knife Capital has a record of exits. How will this fund work in facilitating the continuation of that reputation? KvZ: Knife Capital has a proven record of exit-centric business building and preparing South African technology startups for strategic acquisition by the likes of General Electric, Visa, Garmin and Uber Eats. It successfully divested its entire Fund I, which is a rare achievement in the African venture capital space. Fund II has started with some exits and a few more are being worked on at the moment.  In Fund III we will use our skillset and experience in applying what we learnt in building sustainable high-growth businesses and negotiating exits, as exits rarely just happen. TC: South Africa dropped down the ranks of attractive VC destinations on the continent. Can Knife fund III turn around the country’s fortunes?  KvZ: Yes for sure. I don’t really see it as a competition vs other ecosystems in terms of deploying funds or attracting huge volumes of VC. Each country has its unique environment with challenges and opportunities for entrepreneurs. Because of scarcity, South African entrepreneurs just had to be more capital efficient – a metric that is standing the local scale-ups in good stead in a global downturn. TC: What is the role of growth capital in helping to build a more resilient and valuable startup ecosystem in SA? KvZ: Capital is an enabler for growth in a disruptive startup, as are other things like product, customers, team and business

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  • August 22 2023

Understanding MVNOs in Nigeria

This article is a guest submission by Ernest Akinola, an MVNO expert and the Managing Director of Bboxx. Although MVNOs (Mobile Virtual Network Operators) are a relatively new concept in Nigeria, it’s likely to become a household term by the end of 2024. An MVNO is a business model where an existing or new brand leases the radio spectrum of an incumbent Mobile Network Operator (MNO) to provide value-added services to customer segments not fully served by the incumbent MNO, e.g., remote rural areas. MVNOs were not born out of design but of necessity; One2One launched the world’s first MVNO in 2000 when Virgin Management had the idea of running a mobile network without building one. At the time, they had approached the dominant Mobile Network Operators in the market but had been declined due to a lack of strategic fit. One2One was the fourth entrant at the time—like Etisalat was in Nigeria in 2008—and needed to accelerate its market share and use its national network capacity. Once a network is built, it becomes a sunk cost and needs traffic to generate revenue to cover operational costs. The default strategy is to grow organically and run the network at a loss until it breaks even; it’s similar to an airline flying A380s half-empty across the Atlantic.  With the aspirations of One2One and Virgin Management seemingly aligned, I was tasked with assessing the validity and sustainability of this potential partnership and making a recommendation to the board. Ultimately, we formed a Joint Venture and launched the inaugural and most successful MVNO brand worldwide, spawning the revolution in MVNOs. The Nigerian Context  MVNOs will be launched in Nigeria later this year under a mandate by the NCC to the MNOs. However, the underlying dynamics in Nigeria differ from the more laissez-faire approach in the UK and the rest of the world. Firstly the Nigerian regulator has mandated five different tiers under which an MVNO can operate. The five tiers under which MVNOs can operate Secondly, Nigerian MVNOs are mandated to MNOs as more of a push than a pull strategy. In the UK, European and USA context, MVNOs embraced MNOs as a strategic and tactical approach to growing market share, reaching more customers and driving enterprise value. MNOs in Nigeria now need to re-evaluate their strategic plans, technical readiness, network capacity and human capital to manage a new business concept that may appear to be a logical extension. Still, it is not as simple as that. Along with the perceived benefits of launching an MVNO, inherent challenges must be overcome to run a successful sustainable operation. It is, therefore, incumbent and imperative on both the MVNO licensee holder and the MNO partner to fully map out expectations and a roadmap to success. This will be explored in more depth in another article. It stands to reason that the higher the tiered license, the more complex and intricate the planning and execution, depending on the MNO’s readiness and integration capabilities. On the other hand, a tier 1 or 2 licensee may be more of a plug-and-play, but it is inherently more dependent on the MNO and will need a solid voice to ensure good service from the MNO network team. The lower-tiered MVNOs are more closely dependent on the MNO’s efficiencies than the higher-tiered MVNOs. Irrespective of what level of service is provided, the main objective is to offer more value-added services to customers, push services to rural areas and, most importantly, run a sustainable MVNO business. 

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  • August 22 2023

What we know about Uche Nnaji, the new Minister of Innovation, Science and Technology

Not many people know that Nigeria has two tech-focused ministries. The first is the Communications and digital economy ministry, headed by Bosun Tijani, and the second is the Ministry of Innovation, Science and Technology, led by Uche Nnaji. When news broke last week that Bosun Tijani has been named Nigeria’s minister of communications, innovation, and digital economy, members of the Nigerian tech community were excited. Tijani’s appointment validates the growing tech industry. But what has been overlooked is that two tech-focused ministries oversee technology and the digital economy. The Communications and Digital Economy Ministry will create policies impacting Nigeria’s digital economy. The Ministry of Innovation, Science and Technology will facilitate developing and deploying science and technology to drive Nigeria’s economic growth. Both ministries are an offshoot of the now-defunct Ministry of Information and Communications. While Tijani will man the communications and digital economy ministry, Uche Nnaji is the minister of innovation, science, and technology. The former is expected to lead the implementation of two landmark policies—the Nigeria Startup Act and the National Digital Economic Policy and Strategy, while the latter will focus on improving research and development in line with the national development plan  2021-2015.  In essence, Tijani will drive policies that directly impact Nigerian startups, while Nnaji will promote the use of science and technology across board. Based on President Tinubu’s policy document, Tijani will drive policies that will create one million new jobs in the ICT sector, among other things. At the same time, Nnaji will take on the implementation of government digital services. However, it remains to be seen how the new administration intends to pull these off.  A non-technical tech minister? Tijani’s appointment signifies a new order in the Nigerian polity, but Nnaji’s is the opposite. The two ministers are expected to lead Nigeria’s digital revolution through policies and reforms. As such, sufficient experience in the tech industry is a no-brainer for the offices.  Judging by his campaign manifesto, President Tinubu is bullish on the potential of Nigeria’s tech ecosystem, but his choice of a non-technical tech minister is interesting. Uche Nnaji Nwakaibie is a Nigerian politician and businessman. He was the governorship candidate of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) in Enugu state at the 2023 general election. He lost the polls to Peter Mbah of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP). According to a profile included in his campaign manifesto, he has spent decades in the healthcare sector, specialising in the importation and procurement of healthcare equipment and technologies. He was reportedly the youngest and the first African to procure a computerized tomography (CT) scan in Nigeria in the mid-1980s. He later ventured into politics and got elected as senator representing Enugu East senatorial zone in 1999 but unconditionally relinquished his seat. Nnaji also holds a record in public service, serving as a board of directors member at the Federal Capital Development Authority (FCDA).

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  • August 22 2023

👨🏿‍🚀TechCabal Daily – Don’t reach for the stars

In partnership with Share this newsletter: Lire en Français اقرأ هذا باللغة العربية Good morning You no longer have to worry about WhatsApp reducing the quality of your pictures.  Last week, amidst deciding whether or not he would fight Elon Musk, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced that WhatsApp is rolling out a new feature that will let users send images in higher resolutions.  Images will still be compressed, but they’ll look sharp enough that you don’t have to squint every time you receive them. In today’s edition Somalia bans TikTok SA sanctions importation of Starlink Nigeria has a new union for ride-hailing drivers Remote workers in SA face taxing The World Wide Web3 Event: NTICE Expo 2023 Opportunities Social media Somalia bans Tiktok Image source: TechCabal Time has run out for TikTok in Somalia. The East African country’s government says it will shut down access to certain social media platforms including TikTok and Telegram, which authorities believe disproportionately harm youth. According to the ministry of communications and technology, the move was to counter the spread of extremist content, nude images and other materials deemed offensive to Somali culture and Islam.  The ministry will also ban the gambling platform 1XBET.  This is Somalia’s first attempt to shut down any platform on social media. The ban will kick off on Thursday, August 24. Moral Issues? Questions of whether TikTok is a threat to cultural and religious values is becoming a trend on the continent. Earlier this month, Kenyan citizen “Bob Ndolo” reportedly petitioned the lawmakers to look into the social media platform because it’s “a threat to the cultural and religious values of Kenya”. Ndolo told lawmakers that if TikTok is not banned in Kenya, it could lead to a decline in academic performance and mental health issues among youth. Get a working card from Moniepoint With the Moniepoint personal banking app, you get reliable payments every time and a card that always works. Enjoy seamless payments powered by the infrastructure that 1.5 million businesses trust. Download the app. Internet South Africa sanctions the importation of Starlink Speaking of bans, South Africa’s telecommunications regulator wants Starlink users to come back to Earth. This week, the country’s ICT regulator (ICASA) asked IT Lec, a local Internet service provider (ISP), to stop importing Starlink kits. It also wants IT Lec to cut off existing Starlink users in South Africa from the satellite internet service. GIF source: Tenor Why? Starlink needs the Individual Electronic Communications Service (IECS) licence and Individual Electronic Communications Network Service (IECNS) licence to operate as an internet service in the country. But according to the regulating bodies, Starlink has not applied for the licenses yet. Why haven’t they? Turns out, to snag those licenses, you need more than just a star-studded name. There’s a clause in South Africa’s rulebook that demands all telecoms applying for these licenses should have at least 30% ownership in the hands of persons from historically disadvantaged groups such as black people, youth, women, and people with disabilities. Starlink is missing that essential 30% equity puzzle piece. So how are people using Starlink? Starlink’s cosmic web stretches across the globe and is available anywhere unless Starlink specifically barred the service in a designated area. Starlink has not barred South Africa, so people there can still access its network. However, they cannot order the kit or pay the monthly subscription fees directly from the website. This is why thousands of people living in rural areas and sparsely populated areas in South Africa are ordering through third parties like IT Lec which imports Starlink kits on their behalf and also manages their accounts with Starlink. What will happen now? Per MyBroadband, IT Lec has been will move its operation to Mozambique, one of five African countries where Starlink has rolled out. From there, it will continue to provide its services to its customers in South Africa and other countries where Starlink has not launched yet. Mobility Nigerian ride-hailing drivers’ union becomes official GIF Source: Tenor Drivers of ride-hailing platforms in Nigeria have formed what is arguably the first union for gig workers in Africa.  Nigeria’s ride-hailing drivers merged all their existing unions and groups into one body, and this newly united front goes by the name: the Amalgamated Union of App-based Transporters of Nigeria (AUATON). This is good news for riders across the country who have been protesting against unfair working conditions in various ride-hailing companies, particularly Bolt and Uber.  Sounds interesting? Well even though the union only just got official, the road to forming this groundbreaking union actually kicked off seven years ago. However, it hit a heavy snag earlier this year when Uber and Bolt objected to the union’s application notice. Why? Both companies argued that drivers cannot form trade unions because they are independent contractors, not workers. And, the first name that AUATON had decided to go by—Amalgamated Union of App-Based Transport Workers Of Nigeria (AUATWON)—labelled the transporters as workers.  This distinction in how drivers are classified is a legal question that Uber has fought and lost in countries like the United Kingdom. Anyway, the drivers changed the name from AUATWON to Amalgamated Union of App-based Transporters of Nigeria (AUATON), and have now been officially recognised by Nigeria’s Ministry of Labour and ride-hailing companies as a legitimate union.  Policy SA wants to change how remote workers are taxed GIF Source: TechCabal South Africa is taxing its remote workers differently.  Yesterday, the South African Revenue Services (SARS) shared a draft of the proposed Tax Administration Laws (Amendment) bill, which seeks to change how remote workers pay taxes. Part of the changes includes removing the distinction between remote and non-remote workers, and requiring employers of South Africa-based remote workers to deduct pay-as-you-earn (PAYE) tax. Currently, remote workers pay taxes by declaring their earned income during the tax season—July to October every year. SARS has valid concerns that this method of tax collection leads to revenue losses. By switching to a Pay As You Earn (PAYE) model for remote

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  • August 21 2023

Steering the digital future of Nigeria: the case for NIMC’s status quo

Idris Alubankudi Saliu, former CTO of Interswitch Group and the co-founder of Ceviant Finance, submitted this guest article to TechCabal. As the age of digital transformation gathers pace, Nigeria stands at a crucial crossroads. Central to this transformation is the role of the National Identity Management Commission (NIMC). With the recent transition of the NIMC to the Federal Ministry of Communications and Digital Economy, it’s essential to understand the multifaceted reasons to maintain this new alignment and why it offers the best prospects for a Digital Nigeria. 1. A Unified Vision: President Muhammadu Buhari’s decision to move the NIMC under the Ministry was not arbitrary. His vision of the NIMC as a cornerstone for the objectives of the National Digital Economy Policy and Strategy (NDEPS) reflects a desire for unity of purpose. Housing the NIMC within this ministry consolidates efforts and streamlines the approach to achieving a digital economy. 2. Efficient Monitoring & Coordination: The transition promises a strengthened synergy, fostering an effective supervisory mechanism. This integrated framework better positions the government to monitor, track, and accelerate its digital transformation initiatives. 3. Addressing Past Inefficiencies: While the NIMC has faced criticism for perceived inefficiencies, its new placement within the Ministry provides introspection and restructuring opportunities. Lessons from the past can guide future initiatives, ensuring smoother roll-outs and public adoption. 4. Capitalizing on Existing Momentum: With recent milestones and digital identification, momentum is building. Shifting the NIMC’s positioning again could disrupt this momentum, potentially stalling or reversing progress. 5. Optimizing Data Integration: The ambition to integrate diverse data sources, from BVN to driver’s licenses, into a cohesive identity framework necessitates a focused, unified approach. With its digital-first agenda, the Ministry of Communications and Digital Economy is best poised to oversee this integration. 6. Rebuilding Public Trust: In the wake of challenges, such as data mismatches in the NIMC mobile app, it’s crucial to rebuild public trust. Consistency in leadership and direction can play a pivotal role in this regard. Constantly changing the NIMC’s alignment might breed further skepticism. 7. Leveraging Synergies for Innovation: The Ministry is a hub for digital innovation. By keeping the NIMC under its aegis, there’s an opportunity to harness technological advancements and innovations, propelling the NIMC’s services into the future. Given these considerations, the NIMC’s current positioning within the Ministry of Communications and Digital Economy offers a strategic advantage in realizing Nigeria’s digital ambitions. It’s a blend of consolidated vision, efficient oversight, and an opportunity for rejuvenation. It is imperative, now more than ever, to remain steadfast and harness the potential of this alignment. A unified, coherent approach can pave the way for a genuinely digitized Nigeria, ensuring that every citizen is not just a number but an integral part of the nation’s digital narrative.

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